Friday, March 13, 2020

buy custom Nonverbal Communication in Business essay

buy custom Nonverbal Communication in Business essay Nonverbal communication involves the use of any part of the body to communicate with other individuals. The capacity to understand and apply nonverbal cues in a business can be utilized by businessmen to make their business more successful. Often, the nonverbal signals or communication usually exhibits the real feelings of an individual more accurately than the verbal words. Use of nonverbal cues in a business can have a strong impact on any communication within a business. For example, a sales person might fail to attract a potential customer to a product due to failure to make proper eye contact, poor body posture,inappropriate dressing style and unconvincing explanations. Nonverbal communication between an employee and a manager can significantly influence the assessment of job applicants by the manager. A manager can decide on a job candidate simply, by the way they sit in their lobby, their outfit and accessories, space usage, attentiveness, eye contact, facial expressions and even confirm that opinion when they walk across the room and shake their hand. A manager wants to observe nonverbal hints that tell you about the persons mind-set, viewpoint, interests, and approach. They speak louder than the verbal communication during the interview procedure. Another instance of non-verbal communication occurs between a customer and an employee. For instance, an employee who sells a company product without even establishing eye contact with customer does not gain the trust of that customer. The customer will tend to think that there is something that you are hiding from them. Thus, a gesture, as simple as establishing eye contact, giving a warm smile, sett ing a small conversation distance and welcoming body posture can sweep the customer off their feet. A frowning employee will scare the customer away. Finally, the tone, rate, and volume of a speaker's voice can convey different meanings, as can sounds like laughing, throat clearing, or humming. The customer wants to find you interesting to talk to, and they should also feel like you are interested in them. All these non-verbal elements, when incorporated ito communication will lead to attentiveness, hence thriving communication. Satisfied customers will come back to you, simply because the initial communication encounter between you was successful. Nonverbal communication can be useful, especially in activities like market research as it is used to determine the feelings of customers towards a product. This is because in a research, a manager can identify the real feelings of a test group by observing their nonverbal behavior like body language, facial expressions and eye contact which might contradict the verbal statements given. Nonverbal cues, especially in senior business executives determine how customers will view their business. They have to present themselves as a presentable package that includes complete information on their products and business operations, respectable mode of dressing, and adequate use of gestural behaviors that show sincerity, honesty and trustworthiness. Nonverbal communication plays a leading role of facilitating relationships within a business. Businesses have two major sectors, which are management and employees. Theresearches carried out in the past came to the conclusion that direct eye contact accompanied by a relaxed facial expression increased perception of power except in the case of coercive power. Considering that understanding of nonverbal processes can increase the success of a business success, it is important to use appropriate nonverbal cues.One of these nonverbal cues is in person communication, which provides immediate feedback allowing the business person to improve his or her approach to meet the needs of each encounter. Nonverbal communication like in person conversation usually leads to the establishment of an understanding. Having an understanding is crucial in establishing good business relations with customers and colleagues.It helps in understanding and acceptance of the other person.Some behaviors such as a smile, a relaxed open stance and maintained eye contact can help in establishing a personal relationship. First impressions can affect a business deal.Thus, a persson who exudes confidence has a better chance of creating a rapport and trust with business associates.Ability to signal confidence and trustworthiness from others is a positive aspect of knowledge of nonverbal communication. Customers usually seek to find some nonverbal gestures from a sales person who is marketing products to them. A sales person who through the nonverbal cues seems trustworthy will attract the attention of the customer unlike a sales person who seems confused and unkempt. In the same way, a customer reads the nonverbal signals of a sales person. A sales person should as well have the ability to read the customers nonverbal signals. By maintaining eye contact with the customer a sales person might be able to tell when a customer is showing real interest in a product through such things as flinching of an eye, widening of an eye, etc. Unflinching eye contact is moreover, a sign of frankness. Besides, a salesperson should also greet a customer warmly and with a firm handshake to instill confidence. A crucial link exists between nonverbal communication and success of a business, and nonverbal communication should therefore, not be ignored. Nonverbal communication can increase the persuasion powers while removing communication errors with customers. Nonverbal cues can also improve relationships between the different levels of workers, thus transforming the business environment to a more productive one.Additionally, nonverbal communication can serve in a unique manner where the business itself is used to form an opinion about its image. Benefits of knowledge of nonverbal communication in a business setting are unlimited.Therefore, a business needs to train all its employees on nonverbal communication.Such as training would complete the package that includes such things as knowledge of the business operations, employability and charisma, which are skills that are needed in a business person. In conclusion, effective communication is based on skills, which can be learnt. This means that communication skills can be improved in a business environment. Buy custom Nonverbal Communication in Business essay

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